Intro Video

Sandeep Ray
About the course
Here we will discuss the very 4 basic steps for expanding distribution in new geographies. You will learn concepts like DPL, ND, Beat, Routes etc. You will learn processes like retail mapping process, beat designing process, new outlet opening process etc. You will also get to download tools to implement these processes. We will also discuss the skills that will help you while talking to a retailer and handling his objections. To sum up, this course will help local brands become regional brand and regional brand become national brand. Are you ready for the leap!
In this course you will get answers to the following questions:
What are the distribution opportunities in India?
How to analyse Census data?
How to select new towns for coverage expansion?
How to use the concept of Dealer Per Lakh (DPL)?
What are the approaches for expanding coverage in existing markets?
What is Numeric Distribution? How is it different from DPL?
What is Retail Mapping?
How to use territory maps?
What is a Beat? What is a Route?
What should be the frequency of coverage?
How to design order booking and delivery beats?
How to do beat balancing?
What are the steps involved in opening a new outlet?
How to handle retailer objections?
How to build relationship with the retailer?
Who may attend this course?
FMCG industry professionals
FMCG companies
FMCG distributors
Management Students who are interested in FMCG industry
People who are looking for job in FMCG sales
Benefits of attending this course
Save a lot of time and resources by avoiding trial and error method while entering a new market
Use your resources in a much more efficient way
Set the right targets and right timelines
Achieve the targets and get the desired results on time
Introduction Module
Identify New Market For Expansion
How To Select The Target Market
Coverage Expansion In Towns Where We Are Already Present
Download - DPL Calculator
Download - Cities With More Than 1 Million Population
Lesson 1 - Identify New Market For Expansion
Retail Mapping
What is Retail Mapping
Retail Mapping Process
Download - Retail Mapping Format
Lesson 2 - Retail Mapping
Beat Designing
Time & Motion Study
Determine The Number Of Outlets, Beats and Routes
How To Design Order Booking And Delivery Beats
Download - Time & Motion Study Format
Lesson 3 - Beat Designing
Opening New Outlets
Spot New Outlets And Prepare To Sell
Steps Of The Sales Call
Handle Retailer Objections And Build Relationship
Lesson 4 - Opening New Outlets